2022 q1 TECHNICAL highlights


This episode features the following technical highlights:

1) First LIBS prototype begins simulated downhole testing; and
2) Delamerian National Drilling Initiative project in collaboration with Department for Energy and Mining, South Australia.

A big thanks to Steven Tassios (CSIRO), Neil Francis (CSIRO), Jessica Stromberg (CSIRO) and Tom Wise (GSSA) for their stellar performances!



The first real-time downhole assay prototype based on LIBS technology has reached the first stage of “real world” testing – analysis of a simulated drillhole in the lab based on real lithologies from the field.

The very ambitious aim of developing a novel, real-time downhole elemental analyser has reached an important milestone – actual testing in a simulated laboratory drillhole. The four main parts of the project that have been progressing in parallel – LIBS hardware, LIBS calibrations from real lithologies, dual-spectrometer software, and data analysis and modelling – are now sufficiently advanced that they will be incorporated for the first time into a real-time downhole analysis platform.

The LIBS hardware (laser, optics and spectrometers) has been incorporated into a very narrow probe that has undergone a variety of tests and is now ready to be lowered into an accurately-characterised set of drilled ore blocks and will allow elemental analysis of a vertically-oriented drillhole. The experimental setup allows for a range of contaminants to be introduced, as would be expected in a real drillhole.

The 21 accurately-characterised ore blocks have been evaluated by various independent analytical techniques and can be assembled vertically into a synthetic drillhole and used to compare the results obtained by the downhole prototype. Part of this work also involved developing LIBS calibrations for major and minor elements in our second LIBS lab at UniSA, further strengthening our understanding of LIBS analysis of typical lithologies.

The data analysis and modelling aspect of this project has a range of novel components incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning. LIBS spectra will be degraded to various degrees by typical drillhole contaminants, and modelling the changes will give an ability to more accurately reconstruct the underlying composition.

Finally, bespoke software that allows control, acquisition and analysis of the dual-spectrometer hardware is now at the beta-testing stage, allowing spectral data to be instantly stored and handled remotely.

The ability to obtain real-time elemental composition of a deep drillhole will dramatically reduce the time taken for this analysis to be incorporated into a commercial exploration campaign. For the first time, it will allow the results of one exploratory drillhole to directly influence the decision for the placement of subsequent drillholes.



MinEx CRC and the Geological Survey of South Australia are conducting a drilling campaign in the frontier Delamerian Orogen beneath the Murray Basin.

One of the aims of the Geological Survey of South Australia as well as MinEx CRC is to attract exploration into under-explored areas and facilitate discovery. The Delamerian NDI project will provide geological and mineral system context for explorers to tackle the region for the first time in decades.

As part of the Delamerian NDI project, the Geological Survey of South Australia conducted a legacy data audit and geological review of the Delamerian Orogen, ensuring a complete dataset is publicly available. Building on the geological review of the province, we released an updated basement geology map of the region. This provided the basis for drill hole selection, in order to test hypotheses where additional geological information under cover could have the biggest impact. Commencing in late September this year,drilling is redefining our knowledge of the region, helping to improve geological maps and will feed into a better understanding of the mineral potential.The Delamerian NDI project is utilising a combination of conventional drilling technologies and the MinEx CRC Coiled Tubing (CT) Rig. This project is the first time the CT rig has been deployed in a regional greenfields exploration setting, and is delivering excellent results in the holes completed to date.

The Delamerian NDI project will provide a much-improved perspective the evolution and mineral potential of concealed geology in eastern South Australia. This will provide critical context for exploration success in a region that remains almost un-explored.

Q1 2022 General News

  • Rio Tinto Joins MinEx CRC

    Rio Tinto Joins MinEx CRC

    MinEx CRC welcomes Rio Tinto as a new Participant

  • MinEx CRC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee Appointed

    MinEx CRC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee Appointed

    We are pleased to advise a MinExCRC EDI Committee has now been appointed will be finalising our EDI Policy in line with our EDI Action Plan in the coming weeks

  • Kapunda Field Trials Feature in the January Edition of Australasian Drilling Magazine

    Kapunda Field Trials Feature in the January Edition of Australasian Drilling Magazine

    The recent MinEx CRC Kapunda CT Drilling Trials feature in the January edition of Australasian Drilling Magazine

  • NDI Delamerian Orogen Campaign Features in the Lates Edition of the MESA Journal

    NDI Delamerian Orogen Campaign Features in the Lates Edition of the MESA Journal

    The MinEx CRC National NDI Campaign features in the latest edition of the MESA Journal

  • Summary of Field Data Acquisition from the East Tennant NDI Campaign Now Available

    Summary of Field Data Acquisition from the East Tennant NDI Campaign Now Available

    As part of the East Tennant National Drilling Initiative campaign, ten stratigraphic boreholes were drilled in the vicinity of the Barkly Roadhouse, east of Tennant Creek, in the Northern Territory

  • CT Rig Continues to Deliver in Phase II of the Delamerian Orogen NDI Campaign in South Australia

    CT Rig Continues to Deliver in Phase II of the Delamerian Orogen NDI Campaign in South Australia

    Phase II of drilling is now well underway in the MinEx CRC NDI Delamerian Orogen Campaign

  • NDI Carrara-1 Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Data Release

    NDI Carrara-1 Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Data Release

    The final report and appendices can be downloaded

  • East Tennant NDI Geochemical Data Now Available Via the GA Data Portal

    East Tennant NDI Geochemical Data Now Available Via the GA Data Portal

    The new geochemical data can be accessed through Geoscience Australia East Tennant data portal

  • Seeking Your Input for Postgraduate Research Survey

    Seeking Your Input for Postgraduate Research Survey

    If you could spare 15 minutes of your time to complete the survey, we’d appreciate your input

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