Access the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) Portal. More information can be found here
Industry Partners

The National Drilling Initiative (NDI) will manage and deliver drilling programs in multiple case study areas proposed by MinEx CRC’s partner geological survey organisations.
The National Drilling Initiative (NDI) will manage and deliver drilling programs in multiple case study areas proposed by MinEx CRC’s partner geological survey organisations. The NDI vision is to drill multiple holes in a region to map the regional geology and architecture and define the potential for mineral systems in 3D. A range of drilling methods may be used however it is intended that the NDI will take advantage of new low-cost Coiled Tubing (CT) drilling technology and associated sensing, in order to maximise the number of drill holes and the volume of data collected.
Access the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) Portal. More information can be found here
General Information:
The purpose of the Northern Gawler Craton NDI Project is to undertake a scientific drilling program to improve geological knowledge in the Northern Gawler Craton area of South Australia. This work will contribute to an existing precompetitive geoscience program which seeks to improves our understanding of the mineral, energy, and groundwater potential of the region.
The project will collect physical samples such as drill core and chips and downhole data from a series of boreholes that will yield information about the order and position of Proterozoic crystalline basement rocks in the Northern Gawler Craton region. These stratigraphic boreholes will be up to 500m deep.
Project Update:
Drilling for this Campaign has now concluded.
Drilling conducted by MinEx CRC and the Geoscience Australia has now concluded.
The purpose of the Delamerian Margins NSW National Drilling Initiative (NDI) project was to undertake a pre-competitive geoscience research program and answer fundamental science questions to promote future mineral exploration and discovery in the Delamerian arc area of western New South Wales.
The new data will be considered with existing datasets derived from the Geoscience Australia (GA) Stavely Project, the MinEx CRC-Geological Survey of South Australia (GSSA) Delamerian NDI, geological survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) mapping and industry legacy data as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (DCD) project.
The combined data will provide a broader overview of the tectonostratigraphic evolution and mineral potential of the Cambrian Delamerian arc rocks, and younger intrusive rocks.
Drilling conducted by MinEx CRC and the Geological Survey of South Australia has now concluded.
Further information on the Delamerian Orogen NDI Campaign can be found via the Geological Survey of South Australia webpage here.
Delamerian NDI Drilling Campaign Selected as a Finalist for the 2022 SA Science Awards
Fantastic recognition for a job well done
NDI Delamerian Orogen Campaign Features in the Lates Edition of the MESA Journal
The MinEx CRC National NDI Campaign features in the latest edition of the MESA Journal
CT Rig Continues to Deliver in Phase II of the Delamerian Orogen NDI Campaign in South Australia
Phase II of drilling is now well underway in the MinEx CRC NDI Delamerian Orogen Campaign
MEDIA RELEASE: New Tech Promises Smaller Carbon Footprint in South Australian Drilling Campaign
MinEx CRC, in collaboration with the GSSA, has successfully completed a 24-hole, scientific drilling campaign of the Delamerian Orogen in eastern South Australia...
MEDIA RELEASE: Drilling Data Reveals New Energy and Mineral Potential in the Northern Territory
The South Nicholson area in the NT is set to become one of Australia’s most exciting exploration frontiers, following the first release of data from the MinEx CRC NDI campaign.
MEDIA RELEASE: Drilling Helps Unearth Resource Potential of Under-Explored South Nicholson Basin
MinEx CRC has successfully completed its first NDI campaigns
MEDIA RELEASE: Drilling Data Unlocks Mineral Potential in the Northern Territory
The East Tennant area in the NT is set to become one of Australia’s most exciting exploration frontiers, according to the first release of data from the MinEx CRC NDI campaign.
MEDIA RELEASE: Drilling Program Unlocks Hidden Mineral Potential in the East Tennant
MinEx CRC has successfully completed its first NDI campaigns
MEDIA RELEASE: World First MinEx Scientific Drilling Program Set to Reveal Australia’s Hidden Wealth
MinEx CRC has launched a world-first scientific drilling program, the NDI, which will sample rocks from vast undercover and unexplored regions of Australia.
‘Stunning’ Results From Government-Led Drilling in East Tennant
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