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Phase 2: 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2024
Project Leader:
Helen McFarlane (CSIRO)
Project Summary:
In a mineralised system/s accessed via the NDI drilling campaign or through access from a MinEx partner, characterise physical, isotopic and chemical gradients from background to altered to mineralised through the cover in order to understand distal to proximal footprints to mineralising systems. From these data, objectively determine which datasets are most influential in mineral prospectivity analysis for deposits concealed by cover.
Project Leader:
Cassady O’Neil (CSIRO)
Project Summary:
Investigate the interplay of regolith and mineralisation processes in conjunction with parts 7.1 and 7.3. Conduct a meta-analysis of regolith developed under varied conditions across the Australian continent over selected mineral systems. Develop workflows that may provide a rapid characterisation of drilled regolith material.
Project Leader:
Richard Chopping (GSWA)
Project Summary:
Increase the reliability of geological predictions arising from geophysical data modelling in covered areas with limited drill samples. The NDI will provide point samples in areas where the only other information is from geophysics. Utilise petrophysical measurements where possible from samples or drillhole logging to calibrate and scale geophysical interpretations beyond the drillhole.
Project Leader:
Matilda Thomas (GA)
Project Summary:
Improve management and delivery of borehole data, including timeliness of delivery. Rapidly feed new and old data into mineral potential modelling. Deliver\ into the MinEx portal a platform to deliver data generated by the NDI, available for all Surveys.
Project Leader:
Adrienne Brotodewo (UniSA)
Project Summary:
Publish guides to assist the MinEx participants, sponsors and the industry increase efficiency and effectiveness of mineral potential mapping. Ensure the NDI Drilling Campaigns have access to novel geochronology and geochemistry tools.