Congratulations to Mitchell Bockmann, MinEx CRC’s seventh postgraduate completion!

Mitchell formally qualified for his PhD thesis titled: “The early Mesoproterozoic tectonic and thermal evolution of the eastern Gawler Craton: implications for mineral systems in eastern Proterozoic Australia”.

Mitchell was a student at the University of Adelaide, supervised by Martin Hand (University of Adelaide), Justin Payne, Laura Morrissey (University of South Australia) and Claire Wade (Geological Survey of South Australia.

The thesis is not available yet, but two chapters have been published and are available at the links below:

“Linking the Gawler Craton and Mount Isa Province through hydrothermal systems in the Peake and Denison Domain, northeastern Gawler Craton”. Geoscience Frontiers.

“Punctuated geochronology within a sustained high-temperature thermal regime in the southeastern Gawler Craton”. Lithos.

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