17 September 2024.

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MinEx CRC has struck a commercialisation deal with Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, to bring Augmented Reality (AR) core logging a step closer for the resources industry.

Core logging is an indispensable part of the mineral exploration workflow but is time-consuming, solitary, and subject to subjectivity.  Geologists responsible for logging do not have a functional way to incorporate multiple streams of objective drill core and borehole data into the logging process. They also lack tools to reliably and efficiently analyse complex data to support rapid decision-making.

The MinEx CRC AR core logging technology has been developed by a team led by Professor Tom Raimondo, Dr Andrew Cunningham and Jack Fraser from the Australian Research Centre for Interactive and Virtual Environments (IVE) at the University of South Australia.

The technology will improve the amenity, efficiency and accuracy of drill core logging by allowing all relevant sample and contextual data to be accessed and superimposed on drill core trays during the logging process.  The intuitive platform allows multiple users from anywhere in the world to access the same interactive and fully digital work environment, greatly improving the accessibility and efficiency of acquiring high-quality precompetitive data.  The resulting logs will be better informed by data and less prone to subjective interpretations.

MinEx CRC CEO Andrew Bailey said the technology will provide an entirely new analytical and visualisation toolkit for interrogating borehole data.

“This technology provides either an augmented or completely virtual core logging experience without physical access to borehole samples, enabling synchronous or asynchronous collaborative workflows for both in-person and remote users.”

“No equivalent logging platforms currently exist in the minerals industry to the best of our knowledge.”

“The sector as a whole is ripe for the introduction of this kind of disruptive technology.” he said.

A proof-of-concept for the AR logging platform was developed in 2021-2022 based on strong interest from MinEx industry participants. Based on feedback from end-user workshops, the current pre-commercial platform was refined and improved to its current state.

Key aspects of the AR core logging platform are the ability to physically see multidimensional data – geochemistry, mineralogy, petrophysics – superimposed on the drill core, to switch between datasets and combine them in different ways while talking through logging decisions with colleagues.

CSIRO Research Director, Discovery, Sandra Occhipinti said, “These data can be combined and processed in CSIRO drill core tools, commercialised through CSIRO’s XT Platform, such as Data Mosaic and MyLogger with the results viewable in LogAR.’’

The AR logging platform is borne out of the critical need for advanced and intuitive methods for interacting with and analysing complex data to deliver the maximum capability for extracting new insights.



LogAR: Augmented Reality Core Logging – Development Snapshot
Related virtual and augmented reality research at MinEx CRC


MinEx CRC is the world’s largest mineral exploration collaboration with a 10-year life and bringing together Industry, Government and Research Organisations with $220M of funding comprising of:

  • $50M cash from the CRC Program
  • $41M cash from geological surveys and industry
  • $51M non-staff in-kind
  • $78M or 311FTE staff in-kind.



Andrew Bailey
+61 409 617 286

Anna Porter
MinEx CRC Communications Manager
+61 448 368 348

Bernice Nolan
CSIRO Communications Manager
+61 0436 860 546

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