
Our Commitment

MinEx CRC is committed to an ethos of equal opportunity and fair treatment of all those associated with MinEx CRC-related activities, regardless of diversity.

EDI Policy

MinEx CRC is committed to growing and supporting an equitable, diverse and inclusive environment where everyone feels safe, valued, supported, and treated fairly with dignity and respect.

The MinEx CRC Diversity and Inclusion Policy as endorsed by the Executive Management Committee in May 2022 and is available to download.

EDI Action Plan

The MinEx CRC ‘Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan’ was endorsed by the Executive Management Committee in October 2021 and is available to download below

EDI Action Plan

Code of Conduct

To meet its vision, it is a requirement for MinEx CRC to exchange research and development ideas across broad disciplines with a range of people of diverse views through open and respectful dialogue at face-to-face and online meetings, conferences, and field and drilling activities.

MinEx CRC is committed to an ethos of equal opportunity and fair treatment of all those associated with MinEx CRC-related activities, regardless of diversity.

It is the responsibility of all those associated with MinEx CRC to ensure that a collegiate, inclusive and encouraging atmosphere is maintained when undertaking the work of the CRC. MinEx CRC considers the rich diversity of those involved in the CRC as a resource that should be drawn upon.

  • Those affiliated with MinEx CRC are expected to act in a courteous, respectful and collegiate manner at all times. MinEx CRC promotes diversity including equal opportunity regardless of age, race, nationality, gender, sexuality, religion, disability, ethnicity, marital status, political affiliation or culture.
  • MinEx CRC will not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying, direct or indirect discrimination as in accordance with the MinEx CRC WHS manual.
  • MinEx CRC research will be undertaken with scientific and ethical integrity in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018.
  • Communication will be fair and open and should be appropriate for people of diverse backgrounds.
  • MinEx CRC activities will be undertaken in consideration of the safety, welfare and health of the participants and the community.
  • MinEx CRC field-based activities are expected to have site access permission from and will be respectful of landowners and/or caretakers, including Traditional Owners where appropriate and/or applicable.

MinEx CRC management agrees to:

  • Create a safe and supportive working environment for all MinEx CRC associated people.
  • Respect the time given and have realistic expectations of MinEx CRC associated people.
  • Ensure its workers are compliant with Codes of Conduct at their respective organisations, policies within the MinEx CRC WHS manual and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018
  • Follow up with complaints according to the MinEx CRC WHS manual and raise concerns with an employee’s organisation if and where appropriate.

Need to talk?

We encourage all those affiliated with MinEx CRC to contact our EDI  Committee members for a confidential discussion. You will be treated with care and respect.

  • Anthony Budd
    Anthony Budd

    Program 3 Leader

    M:+61 458 281 097

  • Maryam Abdollahi
    Maryam Abdollahi

    Postgraduate Student, Curtin University

    M:+61 416 562 488

  • Geoffrey Batt
    Geoffrey Batt

    Research Portfolio Manager, MRIWA

    M:+61 8 6180 4344

  • Fiona Best
    Fiona Best

    Chief Geochemist, South32

  • Adrienne Brotodewo
    Adrienne Brotodewo

    Project 7.5 Leader, UniSA

  • Simon Johnson
    Simon Johnson

    Director Regional Geoscience, GSWA

    On leave

  • Elnaz Khazaie
    Elnaz Khazaie

    Postgraduate Student, University of Adelaide

  • Helen McFarlane
    Helen McFarlane

    Project 7.1 Leader, CSIRO

  • Asmita Mahanta
    Asmita Mahanta

    Manager Technical Services and Data Integration, BHP

  • Lucy Mathieson
    Lucy Mathieson

    Postgraduate Student, Curtin University

  • Anna Porter
    Anna Porter

    Communications Manager

    M:+61 448 368 348

  • Karunakar Rao
    Karunakar Rao

    President, Datacode

    M:+91 98230 43087

  • Caroline Tiddy
    Caroline Tiddy

    Education and Training Program Coordinator

    M:+61 8 8302 5272

  • Yulia Uvarova
    Yulia Uvarova

    Program 2 Leader

    M:+61 8 6436 8728

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