A key part of the MinEx CRC agenda is to train the next generation of professionals in the skills required to utilise and maximise the impact of new technologies and ideas generated. Our postgraduate researchers are an incredibly valuable resource for MinEx CRC:

  1. They bring a vibrant, energetic, creative, and fresh perspective on old and new challenges;
  2. Make an essential contribution to the research agenda; and
  3. Help develop ideas and technology, which they will then take into the marketplace.

MinEx CRC currently has 38 active postgraduate students enrolled and 8 completed students across its three Programs, all of whom can be viewed via the Postgraduate Students page on the MinEx CRC website.

We invite you to attend a workshop session whereby students will provide an update on their research progress and important milestones. This session aims to:

  1. Provide an introduction for new postgraduate students to the wider MinEx CRC community;
  2. Provide an update on overall postgraduate research progress; and
  3. Identify potential collaboration opportunities.



Date: Thursday 20 July 2023


  • 9:00am – 3:00pm AWST
  • 10:30am – 4:30pm ACST
  • 11:00am – 5:00pm AEST

Duration: Full day (note that the event will be held as a series of short (~90 minute) sessions)

Platform: Online hosted via Webex


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