Download the agenda here.



2023 Year in Review

2023 EDI Snapshot



Registration is free of charge.



The 2023 Annual Conference is open to MinEx CRC Sponsors, Researchers, Postgraduate students and staff only.



Please select from the below two registration categories:

MinEx CRC Participant Sponsors and Affiliates

MinEx CRC Researchers, Staff and Students.



To meet its vision, it is a requirement for MinEx CRC to exchange research and development ideas across broad disciplines with a range of people of diverse views through open and respectful dialogue at face-to-face and online meetings, conferences, and field and drilling activities.  MinEx CRC is committed to an ethos of equal opportunity and fair treatment of all those associated with MinEx CRC-related activities, regardless of diversity.

It is the responsibility of all those associated with MinEx CRC to ensure that a collegiate, inclusive and encouraging atmosphere is maintained when undertaking the work of the CRC.  MinEx CRC considers the rich diversity of those involved in the CRC as a resource that should be drawn upon.

We ask that all attendees familiarise themselves with the MinEx CRC Code of Conduct prior to the event.

Download the MinEx CRC Code of Conduct here.



Tuesday 14 November 2023:

  • Fast Logging with HyLogger Data: introducing the MyLogger workflow
  • Postgraduate Student Workshop (for all Postgraduate Students, Researchers are encouraged to attend)
  • Welcome Dinner – Gage Roads Brewery

Wednesday 15 November 2023:

  • Conference Day 1
  • Conference Dinner: Rooftop Terrace, Tradewinds Hotel

Thursday 16 November 2023:

  • EDI Committee Breakfast (by invitation)
  • Conference Day 2



Lachie Samuel
Managing Director
FIFO Mental Health Group


In 2017, after nearly 10 years working fifo shutdowns and construction, having already experienced his partners attempt due to the stress of his working away, Lachie lost two colleagues to suicide. He was also later evacuated from site for mental health issues.

Since then he has gone on to become one of the leaders in FIFO mental health, creating a top10 mental health podcast, the FIFO Mental Health Summit and The Association for Mental Health in Mining.

In 2021 he won the ‘national mens health champion’ award, for his work in FIFO mental health, from the Australian Mens Health Forum, Australia’s peak body for mens health.

In 2022 Lachie was named a Linkedin Top Voice for Mental Health and with that, made the decision to transition from FIFO Mental Health Guy, to FIFO Mental Health Group, as the first step towards finding and building a team of people who are deeply passionate about transforming mental health culture within mining.


Dr James Tickner
Chief Technology Officer & Founder
Chrysos Corporation


Dr James Tickner is Chief Technology Officer and a co-founder of Chrysos Corporation. He leads the science, engineering and research teams responsible for developing Chrysos’ PhotonAssay products.

Previously, he worked for 18 years at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), leading a team of researchers and engineers developing radiation-based instruments for challenging measurement and image problems in the minerals and security industries. Technologies invented and commercialised by his group include on-stream X-ray analysis systems, on-belt neutron-gamma analysers, a novel fast-neutron Air Cargo Scanner and Chrysos’ PhotonAssay.
Significant awards during this period include the Eureka Prize for Science in Support of Defence or National Security, the Australian Academy of Science Frederick White Prize, and two CSIRO medals. Together with colleagues at Chrysos, Dr Tickner recently received the Chair’s Medal, CSIRO’s most prestigious award, and the Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation.

Dr Tickner has a degree in physics and a D.Phil in particle physics from Oxford University. He has authored more than 110 papers and articles in the fields of particle physics, nuclear instrumentation, data analysis and simulation and is a holder of numerous patents.


Jillian D’Urso
External Relations & Impact Director
CRC Time


Jillian is an engagement, policy and corporate affairs professional with more than 15 years of experience of bringing diverse stakeholders together to build shared understanding and achieve common goals. She has a deep understanding of the minerals industry, having worked at sites as well as corporate office and, before joining CRC TiME, as social policy lead at the Minerals Council of Australia.

Born and raised in North Queensland, Jillian is passionate about ensuring communities and regions have opportunities to thrive and prosper. Jillian has qualifications in communications, governance and public policy and sustainability and is an Australian Rural Leadership Program graduate.



Fast Logging with HyLogger Data: introducing the MyLogger workflow

Date: Tuesday 14 November 2023

Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00pm

Venue: Australian Resources Research Centre, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington WA

Cost: Free of charge


Australian geological surveys regularly use the HyLogger hyperspectral scanning system to analyse drilling products. Over 1.5 million meters of HyLogger data are available to the public via the National Virtual Core Library (NVCL) through the AuScope Discovery Portal. However, this valuable data resource is underutilised because it requires high expertise to analyse the data.

Project OP9 aims to provide a workflow to enable fast logging of major rock types using HyLogger data, specifically data from the Thermal Infrared spectrum (TIR). Using the workflow, and a few simple decisions, the user can extract a first-pass geological (mineralogical) log without an in-depth knowledge of hyperspectral mineralogy.

This geological log will facilitate decisions by the user. For example, to inspect if the hole contains rock types of interest and decide if it is worth proceeding to expert analysis, and also to locate which parts of the hole to focus expert analysis on. The geological log can help the user to decide how best to subsample the hole for detailed studies, such as for geochronology or microscale scanning.

We will introduce the MyLogger workflow, a prototype web app, which is the output of Project OP9. The workshop will include:

  1. Background theory on the algorithms and assumptions behind the workflow.
  2. A demonstration of the workflow.
  3. A tutorial session where attendees can experiment with the workflow and get help.

Recommended for:

This workshop is open to all MinEx Participants, Affiliates and Researchers. It is designed for anyone who is not an expert in spectral mineralogy but would like to be able to use HyLogger mineralogy to help them log core or make decisions about sampling a specific drill hole. It is also useful for anyone who wants to view a mineralogical log of any drill holes in the NVCL using TIR data.



Accommodation at the Conference venue can be booked directly with the Tradewinds Hotel here.

Alternative accommodation options within a 3k radius include:

Esplanade Hotel Fremantle

Pier 21 Apartment Hotel

Quest Hotel 


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