We’re excited to report that drilling is underway for our NDI campaign in collaboration with GSSA.

The Northern Gawler Craton NDI Campaign aims to undertake  scientific drilling to improve geological knowledge in the Northern Gawler Craton area of South Australia. The study area encompasses nearly 15,000sqm, an area similar to the size of Connecticut in the United States of America.

This work is part of a long-running precompetitive geoscience program that will improve the region’s understanding of the mineral, energy, and groundwater potential.

This campaign will obtain physical samples (e.g. drill core and chips) and downhole data (e.g. wireline #geophysical data) from a series of stratigraphic boreholes up to 500 m deep into the Proterozoic crystalline basement rocks in the Northern Gawler Craton region.

Stratigraphic boreholes provide new information about the layers of sediments and older rocks below the surface, which allow scientists to examine the layers of geological information from near surface cover to basement rocks millions of years old.

The outcomes of the project will support better-informed planning decisions by the government and exploration decisions by industry, as well as better outcomes for the region, South Australia, and Australia.

Physical samples and data acquired during stratigraphic drilling in the Project will be analysed to develop models and interpretations of under-cover mineral systems by obtaining new geological, geochemical, petrophysical and geochronological data in areas with identified data gaps.

Stay tuned to the GSSA and MinEx CRC websites for updates.

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